Sophie Forshaw

Change of Employer at EPA


Hi All, 

Please could someone confirm if an apprentice can change employer once they have passed through gateway? 


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Sarah Mann

Hi Sophie Forshaw, were you able to get an answer to this question as we have the same situation.

Many thanks


Sophie Forshaw

Hi Sarah, 

Nothing yet. Please let me know if you do ! 

Sophie Forshaw

Sarah Mann have you had any response yet ? 


Sarah Mann

Hi Sophie,

No I haven't but I think it is relatively safe (in line with the funding rules etc) that provided the apprentice is employed for the duration of the apprenticeship until EPA completion there can be a change of employer after gateway. However it is very admin heavy at such a late stage in the apprenticeship and new agreements and contracts will need to be issued as well as significant changes to DAS and the ILR.

At this point only 80% of funding will have been drawn down so it may be tricky, depending on the standard and any qualifications attached to get the new employer to fund the remaining 20% and sign the necessary paperwork.

Best wishes


Carrie Rogers

Hello  - did you ever get anywhere with this?
I've got a lovely (little) list of queries relating to learners who have moved emp or been made redundant AFTER they entered Gateway.
My query is - can an Employment History Line be dated AFTER the AED?  so long as its before the AchDate?  Do we just code these in the same way as a normal CHOC or does the learner have to been withdrawn back to AED and re-enrolled?
