Sophie Forshaw
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Sophie Forshaw created a post,
Changing in Standard Version and moving to new EPA m...
Good Morning, Is it possible to move to a new EPA method when a new standard has been revised and the apprentice has been working on the old standard version up until gateway? We have mapped the ...
Sophie Forshaw created a post,
Revision of Apprenticeship Standard
Hello All, We have a change of standard for one of our programmes, how does the change take place if the standard number stays the same? What is the timeline if it is an automatic change? Thank y...
Sophie Forshaw commented,
Hi Kelly, This is really helpfull. How did you j...
Hi Kelly, This is really helpfull. How did you justify the amount of extra time in training required? was this based on any assessment or was is a guess/ estimate? Thank you for you help.
Sophie Forshaw commented,
Hi Kelly, Thank you for responding. I agree, wha...
Hi Kelly, Thank you for responding. I agree, what we normally do is add on the time they have lost on the BIL. But in this case, the tie added isn't enough to see this learner through to the end...
Sophie Forshaw created a post,
Compliance Documents after BIL and OOF
Hi All, We have an apprentice who went on a break in learning, at the time of this break in learning they had gone past their estimated practical end date and their planned end date. They are now c...
Sophie Forshaw created a post,
Young person support
Hello, As an apprenticeship provider, we are new to providing young learner support. where can I find more information about what support is expected and required? (other than the funding rules) ...
Sophie Forshaw created a post,
EPA Employer
If a learner has their final EPA interview on Monday and her last day at her current employer is Monday and a month later we get her results and she passes, can we complete this learner and mark he...
Sophie Forshaw created a post,
Spent and Unspent Convictions
Hello, If someone has an unspent or spent conviction does this affect eligibility? If so, where is this information found? Thank you Sophie
Sophie Forshaw created a post,
Cognassist and OTJ
Hi All, Do the activities a learner does as part of Cognassist count towards OTJ? as we can not get a breakdown of each activity we can not directly link it to the standard. Thank you
Sophie Forshaw commented,
Hi All, Is this the case for Safeguarding, Prevent...
Hi All, Is this the case for Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values? At the moemnt we collect the policies and ask them for an update on an annual basis. Thank you Sophie