Yvonne Quinn

ILR file file uploading



I have tried to submit an ILR this morning and it is stuck on file is uploading, it hasn't even got to the initial validation reports bit.  Is anyone else having problems?


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Alix Cooper

Yep, same here. Uploaded at 8:40 and still waiting.

Helen Robinson

Hi Yvonne,

Yes I'm having the same issue, it just seems to be buffering on the upload.

Angela Williams

Same here - starts to process and then the site creashes!

Jessica De Melo

Having the same issue here too!

Steve Bowler

Has anybody had any problems with this today? My file was uploaded and submitted as normal, but then on the reports page instead of the link to 'download reports' it says 'failed' instead which I've never seen before...


Helen Robinson

Hi Steve,

I got my file uploaded at 2:40 yesterday and have received reports as normal.

Steve Bowler

Thanks Helen, I'll try it again and see if it works this time :-)