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PDSAT Annotations


HI All,

Is anyone having issues uploading annotations to the new PDSAT system?

Myself and another user have tried uploading annotations the past few days, and the files fail every time we try to upload them, I don't know if it is an issue with our data or the system itself?




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Neil Allen

We are.  I deleted the annotations and it seems to have deleted the ILR return uploaded too.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks Neil, glad to know I am not alone with this.  The same happened for me as well, when I deleted the annotations, it deleted all of the returns I had uploaded and the reports as well, which isn't great.

I have uploaded everything again, and the annotations have still failed, but when I look at the reports half of them have pulled through, which makes me think it is a system issue, but I could be wrong.

Steve Hewitt

Yes, lots of people reporting this on the CMIS list as well...

Permanently deleted user

Thanks Steve, I will report with the PDAST helpdesk.

Kelly Smith

I am having the same issues with being unable to upload and then my returns being deleted. 

Permanently deleted user

Hi Kelly,

I have raised this with the PDSAT helpdesk, and they said their programmers are looking into the issue.  Hopefully they will apply a fix to the system so we can upload our annotations.

Ben Bullers

Hi all

Has anyone had any success yet importing their annotations, or had any feedback from ESFA? Need to run a new set of reports but don't want to lose all of our annotation, or transfer them over manually.

many thanks

Andrew Dickens

I had the issue where i deleted my annotations and it deleted the return. Once i re-uploaded i was able to import the annotations again, and they were ok....until i uploaded a new return and the annotations didn't pull through. 


Any advice?

Permanently deleted user

I haven't heard back from the helpdesk, but had a play about with the system myself and I have gotten it to work.  I had to delete the annotations that were on there (which deleted all of the info on the system) I then uploaded a new FIS file, added the annotations, and then added another FIS file (as you cannot add annotations without a file on there, but they then won't pull through until you add another file after the annotations are loaded) and it has worked and I am now able to annotate a new file.

Andrew Dickens

thanks @... i'm giving it a try now.  Just frustrating that it takes so long to upload anything. 



Andrew Dickens

unfortunately it hasn't worked for me!


I deleted my annotations, (which deleted all data) uploaded a FIS file, Uploaded the annotations, then uploaded another FIS file but the annotations aren't showing on any of the reports.  So frustrating.  I think i need more tea!

Permanently deleted user

Oh no, sorry to hear this hasn't worked, I did the exact thing last week, although first time I tried the FIS file failed, but I uploaded it again and it worked, I was able to get the annotations on Wednesday last week.  I wonder if the system is just playing up?  I haven't heard back from the helpdesk after reporting this to say it has been resolved.

I hope the tea helps, good luck!

Kelly Smith

Has anyone had any issues with duplicate rows coming up on the PDSAT files when importing an ILR file rather than FIS?


Angela Williams

Hello I am struggling to copy over my annotations for R08 - could someone kindly let me have a step by step guide as the PDSAT notes are not very clear.

Would appreciate any help!


Permanently deleted user

Hi Angela,

Are you having issues getting them uploaded onto the PDSAT system?  If so I have found this hit and miss, sometimes they fail and other times they don't.  After uploading them I go back each time to make sure they have uploaded correctly, and if not then delete and re-upload.  It is a pain, but after them not working a few times, I just check every time now to make sure all annotations pull through next time I run the report.  I hope this helps.


Angela Williams

Hi Lisa, i have uploaded the R08 FIS file and then click onto the annotations tab and try to upload my Excel PDSAT with my annotations but nothing comes up to say its saved or any error message?  I must be doing something wrong but have tried some many times without success.




Permanently deleted user

Hi Angela,

I am sorry to hear this, I have only had issues with the excel file I have annotated failing to upload, not the issue of no upload at all.

I just go to the green add annotations box at the top, click on choose file, select the location I have it saved on my computer and then submit.  It can take a while for it to upload (usually between 30 mins - 1 hr) and I then just check to make sure it hasn't failed, but it sounds like you aren't getting this far.

I am not sure what to suggest as I have always been able to upload the file, I presume it is nothing to do with the format as you have said it is an excel file, you should just be able to find it from where it is saved and be able to upload it.

Sorry I couldn't be more help here.




Angela Williams

Thanks Lisa I'm going to re-try today - wish me luck lol!