Stefanie Briggs

Learner has left employment before entering EPA Gateway


We have an Apprentice who is ready for EPA but has just left employment, we are confident she will achieve and we are in the process of contacting the EPAO to get their approval, is she eligible for EPA and how do we receive the completion payment? Can't find any further technical details anywhere as mentioned below in the funding guidance:

109. Where an apprentice has changed employer after they have completed all the
training and reached gateway, including where the new job role is not related to
the apprenticeship, they may complete the end-point assessment in agreement
with the end-point assessment organisation and the provider that it can be
satisfactorily taken and paid for. We will issue further technical details as to how
this change should be reported to us including how the provider can claim the
completion payment.


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Steve Hewitt

Hi Stefanie

On the bright side, you're not missing anything, they have not published anything further on this. On the down side, they've not published anything further on this...

Can't suggest anything more than contacting the App Service to see if they can tell you if anything is coming soon, but I wouldn't hold your breath, highly likely the learner will have to withdraw unless they can find a new employer willing to put them through EPA in the next 12 weeks...

Ruth Canham-James

ESFA confirmed to me that paragraph 109 is only for those who started in 23/24 😕 That's why there are no rules yet, because the first batch this could possibly apply to can't be there until Aug 2024. It's such a great new rule, but it's really frustrating it doesn't apply retrospectively. You always have to assume new rules only apply to starts from that year, unless they expressly say otherwise.

So, unless they left through redundancy, the student isn't allowed to sit the EPA until they can find a new employer willing to take responsibility. The EPAO shouldn't let you do it. If they say yes, you're still not getting the completion element unless it was redundancy.