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So, anything that changed between R13 and R14 that led to a reduction in funds generated would have been netted off your R03 payment last month. Annoyingly, because the remittance lumps them together, it's not particularly easy to see...
That's kind of it, I think, there aren't any other "checks" at a system level (that's what audit is for!!!)?
They usually do an FRM27 claw back in November/December I think? We don't hand back in the EAS throughout the year, we just wait until they give a total once the year has closed and match it against what we thought was the amount. Saves a lot of admin and avoids issues if they calculated the amount slightly differently from what we thought.
At R03, we had a clawback in addition the amount on the remittance was different from the final amount stated on the monthly payment through the period end report. After reaching out to helpdesk, they explained that clawback was due to data changes made after the R14. However, they have not explained the difference in amounts. Could someone help me understand as to why there could be differences in amounts, also changes done after R14 if they can be reinstated and what could be the implications of doing so?
Rebecca Finch
R14 Clawback
Does anyone know when the ESFA will have finalised their checks on the R14 data and when they would advise of any clawback for apprenticeship provision only?