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Thanks Ruth Canham-James - how did I miss that?! 😊
Hi Steve Hewitt - yes...I assume that as we can see the payment on the Apps Monthly payment Report, then the payment has been released. I'm just nervous that it could be clawed back somewhere along the line.....!
I'll definitely round up all PMRs from now on 😊
Rachel Dennis
PMR Records - Rounding Issue
We have an employer who was invoiced for the co-investment amount of £515.25 which they paid. Our MI system can't handle decimal points so I rounded this down to £515 for the PMR.
Will this be an issue? The R04 Period End report is showing the 'Percentage of co-investment collected (for all funding years)' as 99.95%. It looks as though we have been paid the completion element that we are due.
Will the completion element get clawed back if the percentage collected is not 100%? Or is there a degree of tolerance applied due to rounding up / down issues?
Many thanks