Jessica De Melo

Apps Co-Investment Contributions - Incorrect Totals?



Has anybody come across a scenario where the Co-investment and PMRs total collected has a total listed in the report that is different from actual PMR records?

For example we have a learner where £271 is listed as collected in the report, but in PICs the PMRs collected total £274.32. 

Do the ESFA reports round each PMR record to a whole number?



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Gill Knight

Hi Jessica

The PMR will only accept whole numbers and therefore if you collect £20.46 for instance it will only accept £20 as received. I do wonder what the tolerance is on the co-investment report showing the %percentage received as 46p per month short over a number of years adds up ... or whether you would need at some point to put a PMR through of an increased amount. 

Ruth Canham-James

I'm surprised PICS lets you enter decimals when that's not allowable in the ILR. PICS must be doing some rounding, but it would be weird to not be to the nearest pound! Check your xml ILR file and see what numbers were in there so you can see what PICS did.

Steve Hewitt

And ALWAYS ROUND UP! Even if the invoice is £20.01, put £21 in the PMR.

Have definitely heard of PICS doing this before, god knows why and seems highly likely it's just stripping out the value after the decimal point.

Last time I mentioned this to AS people they suggested there *was* a tolerance (these days), but were quite vague about what it was...

Ruth Canham-James

Oh yes, always round up! Unless you're recording a PMR refund, then always round down. You don't want to lose a completion payment for the sake of 17p (I'm not sure I believe anything about a tolerance).


The screen in PICS that captures the PMR can also be used for other learner payments so had to cater for non-integers. However it should be possible to validate for the ILR items and warn or error non-integers on them. I think (but not sure) that Steve is right in saying that there is no rounding, it just removes figures after the decimal point for the ILR file.

Jessica De Melo

I have been rounding up for co-investment, but only to two decimal places! I'll find out what's being churned out in the ILR file. Thank you everyone