Alison Brierley

Zprog Aim dates



We have changed MIS this year and the layout is obviously different to our last, Should the Zprog aim show the Practical and EPA exp date or just the practical?
Thank you 


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Steven Edmondson


Just the practical, per the ILR spec-

For new starts on or after August 2019, the planned end date must only include the learning related to the learning aim and not include the end point assessment period.

Ruth Canham-James

You still need to follow the ILR rules for the field. Planned End Date is always the practical period end date. I think some systems also allow you to record an expected EPA end date, but other don't as it's not an ILR value. If you recorded both dates in your previous system, you just need to make sure you pulled the right one into the ILR field in your new system, and find somewhere else for the other date.