Peter Hancock

FIS 24/25 freezes after one use


For a few months I've been experiencing trouble with FIS.  It works perfectly for the first file I process, but when I try to process subsequent files, it just freezes.  The only way I have found to make it work again is to delete all the application files, then unzip the downloaded zip file again.  

Has anybody else experienced this behaviour?  


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Steve Hewitt

Is it on a network drive? It does get a bit wobbly if it's not basically in the root of yr C drive... has anything changed in your set up vs last year?

Jade Wilson

I thought it was just me having this issue! No changes to how it's been downloaded and stored either. I thought maybe the updated versions would help rectify it, but no. 

Peter Hancock

Jade Wilson I thought it was just me! :) 

Steve Hewitt Nothing has changed in my setup that I know about.  The application files are stored in sharepoint, and this syncs to a local folder on my device.  When I run the application, I am running it from the local folder.  
I will try to test it in another local folder that is not syncing to sharepoint to see if it makes any difference.  

Jade Wilson what is your setup?  

Jade Wilson

Peter Hancock It is stored on my desktop. It always has been. Just seemed to stop working after one use once it was updated in around November. 

Peter Hancock

Jade Wilson Very interesting, thanks.  Have you contacted the support desk for assistance with this yet?  I haven't.

I'd say that it was around November when my problems started too.  I've just thought of another test we could do to prove that the issue is related to software and not our local set up.  We could try running the first edition FIS with a file from that era to see if the problem still happens.  

Steve Hewitt

Apologies for teaching you to suck eggs, but it's definitely unzipped, isn't it?

Peter Hancock

Steve Hewitt yes :) 

Henry Wish (ESFA)

Morning all,

 There are a number of reasons FIS can crash. Please find below a link to the usual suspects:

Funding Information System Error – Customer help centre

*FIS can run on a network/shared device but only if it has the correct read/write permissions. For example importing an ILR file stored on on a network drive and then exporting reports to another. If you're a system admin you will be able to allow this access, if not please speak to your internal ICT department. 

It's worth noting sometimes it will work and then new ICT policies are rolled out, changing access rights. 

If you have followed the above steps and it still crashes, please forward the error log file located in the 'Logs' folder where you have FIS installed to us and we can find a solution: Home  - Customer Help Portal

Thank you,

