Sue Bishop

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Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

Yes, Jenna, if they have not completed the programme...

Yes, Jenna, if they have not completed the programme aim, then they would have to be a withdrawal.  

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

Hang on though - if they didn't achieve FS then they...

Hang on though - if they didn't achieve FS then they couldn't achieve apprenticeship?  If a framework then you couldn't claim achievement from ACE and if a standard you couldn't claim they had gone...

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

I can't see anything wrong with learner 2 though.......

I can't see anything wrong with learner 2 though........

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

The functional skills 'deliverer' would be considere...

The functional skills 'deliverer' would be considered a subcontractor and you would then need to adhere to the subcontracting rules.   Sue

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

For the transfers that I have taken recently via ESF...

For the transfers that I have taken recently via ESFA the answer is no you can't.   Sue

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

Hey Jamie Happy to give you my views of APTEM and B...

Hey Jamie Happy to give you my views of APTEM and BUD if it would help - email me   All best,  Sue.

Commmunity Post

Sue Bishop commented,

I can't say I've seen a rule in the guidance that sa...

I can't say I've seen a rule in the guidance that says the learner can't enter Gateway, but if you think of it logically, the employer gets the completion certificate so where is the incentive to p...