Dan Hodgetts
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Activity overview
Dan Hodgetts created a post,
Change of employer in same month
hi Can i just check, if an apprentice leaves their employer to start with a new employer on the same standard, with the same training provider in the same month (July-24), does the first employer s...
Dan Hodgetts created a post,
Co-Investment Refund Calcuation
Morning all Just checking I've got this right In this example say the apprentice started in Jan-24, we collected full 5% of co-investment up front. They lasted 3 months and withdrew in Mar-24 Repo...
Dan Hodgetts created a post,
EPAO Price Increase
Hi Can someone advise what we should consider the Evidence Pack and in the ILR when an EPAO increases their fees for live apprentices? What is the impact on TNP1 and 5% contribution if the increase...
Dan Hodgetts created a post,
Delivery Location Postcode for Online Delivery
Hi Can someone confirm what delivery location postcode you should put apprentices where delivery is 100% online? Learners home address / employer postcode / or training provider postcode Thanks Dan
Dan Hodgetts created a post,
Recording LSF in the LET
Can someone highlight where in the Learner Entry Tool you record that you want to draw down funding for learner support ? I can see where you record what learning difficulties/disabilities the lear...
Dan Hodgetts created a post,
Merging Employers
We’ve just received notification a learners company has merged with another. I’m guessing we process it as a full change of employer? In terms of the DAS, I assume we stop the funding and restart...
Dan Hodgetts commented,
Thank Martin - just to check: Is it only the compon...
Thank Martin - just to check: Is it only the component aims where you update the achievement date/outcome and grade (not the Programme Aim) Or is it the other way round (no achievement info in com...
Dan Hodgetts created a post,
Recording Functional Skills completions
Can i just check when recording functional skills completion component aims in the ILR: - ACT1 "To" = set to last day in learning? - Actual end date = last day in learning - Achievement date = day ...
Dan Hodgetts commented,
Ruth Canham-James - did you ever get an answer to yo...
Ruth Canham-James - did you ever get an answer to your question in here? "What delivery location postcode do you use for apprentices who do some OTJ in the workplace and some at the provider?" We a...