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Ruth Canham-James - did you ever get an answer to your question in here?
"What delivery location postcode do you use for apprentices who do some OTJ in the workplace and some at the provider?"
We are 100% online delivery with blend of TP-led group/1:1 sessions + apprentice directed self-study which is mostly done in the workplace or at home during working hours (if they work from home).
We are using ZZ99 9ZZ for EVERYONE, but want to be sure we are right
Chloe Hemmingsley
Delivery Location Postcode
We are running a few different traineeship courses at the moment. We are holding our employability sessions/training remotely over teams. Is there a certain delivery location postcode we should be using in the ILR? We usually use the placement's postcode for work experience and the postcode for our centre when we were running courses in-house but unsure what to use for remote delivery. Should we continue to use our centre postcode?