Poonam Thanki
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Activity overview
Poonam Thanki created a post,
If a learner has an EHCP and has had an assessment from our learner support manager and has already attained Entry Level 3 in English and Maths what level if any would the learner have to achieve i...
Poonam Thanki created a post,
Hi All, I have identified two main quires that I need advice on, which are: 1. Achievers have appeared on the FRM36 as clawback 2. Learners in Gateway have also appeared on the FRM36 clawback. Is ...
Poonam Thanki created a post,
Functional Skills Error
Hi All Hoping you can help. I have the following error that keeps showing up, just a little background to this error, the learner started programme 2019 and went on BIL, returned in 2022, however w...
Poonam Thanki created a post,
FRM36 Reports
Hi All, Trying to understand the FRM36 reports and in terms of clawbacks, we have a couple of learners that appear on the clawback but have either achieved or in gateway - Why does this appear? Al...
Poonam Thanki created a post,
Achievement Dates
Hi All, In line for R14, can achievement dates be changed in line of when learner actually sat in EPA instead of when the training provider received notification? is there a grace period between th...
Poonam Thanki created a post,
Out of Funder on BIL
Hi All, Newbie here. Can you put an apprenticeship learner who is currently an out of funder on a Break in Learning? Any advice is appreciated.