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Hi Jacky,
I add the employer name to the field Provider Specified Delivery Monitoring (A) in the ZPROG of the ILR, this then allows me to pivot the data in the Apps Monthly Payment report to look at this field (removing the blanks) so I know the employer, alongside the learner name in the rows of the table, and then I put the monthly value expected 'August (R01) co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer' into the values section. This gives me a table each month of the co-investment due from (or to) my levy employers.
There is a co-investment report in the Month End Reports folder that our MIS (PICS) allows us to import and reconcile, to auto-add payment records to the ILR, however, I will be honest and say that apart from using for the import, I have never found looking at the co-investment report on its own particularly helpful and I prefer to stick with the Apps Monthly Payment report.
Hope this helps.
You should have two sets of reports to download from Submit Learner Data (Reports > Submission History), you should see an ILR Reports zip file for each period which will be based on your final upload and available shortly after the upload, then you will get a Period End Reports zip file for each period, usually available within a week of the ILR close, this latter folder is where you will find the Apps Monthly Payment report, which is confirmation of the actual funding you can expect to receive for your submitted claim that month and also includes the co-investment received and due from your employers.
Hope this helps
I agree with Louise, I use the Apps Monthly Payments as the primary source of info on where our funding is coming from, or in this case, where it may need to be collected from employers. It will show you a breakdown of levy payments, ESFA co-investment and employer co-investment.
In your Period End Reports there will also be 'co-investment' reports as Louise outlines - I tend to use that for reconciliation purposes e.g. when a learner withdraws, checking have we collected 100% of the co-investment due.
I like your method Louise. I've tried faffing about with the co-investment report, and it's honestly very painful. I think we'll move to checking the Apps Monthly Payment every month, and putting it all in another spreadsheet to monitor. We just need to make sure we include any outstanding stuff from 23/24 (if any). Co-investment is a quick way to see what the employers have paid still 😊
Dealing with insufficient funds is so time consuming. Finding the data, having to record it separately to track, contacting employers with all the details of their missing funds, invoicing (we do it quarterly), recording when they pay. I swear we spend more in admin than ESFA save by asking for the 5%.
That PICS feature sounds interesting! I assume the auto add "payments" isn't PMR, as you can only record those once they do actually pay.
Jacky Maynard
Calculating co-investment for levy apprentices
Please could someone advise of the best/easiest way to calculate co-investment due from levy employer for apprentices, in cases where they exceed their levy funds? Is this something that should be reconciled monthly, quarterly or annually (I get the feeling it's going to take some time to fathom out). FM36 reports refer to 'co-investment payments to collect' but there is no breakdown with this as far as I can see, to identify where this figure is sourced. I also read in a response to this question in 2022 that there was a 'contributions' report in the ILR period end reports but this report doesn't appear in my current downloaded ILR report folder so perhaps it's not provided anymore?
Any advice would be much appreciated.