Sarah Kelly

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Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly commented,

I`ve interpreted this as not applying to those that ...

I`ve interpreted this as not applying to those that need to complete level 2 FS but agree as always it isn`t clear. Would love to be wrong with this one!

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly commented,

I`ve always thought that if the session takes place ...

I`ve always thought that if the session takes place in a different month or the sequencing change then an amendment is required. I agree it is a lot of extra work in terms of monitoring and process...

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly created a post,

Increase to EPA cost

There has been a significant increase to our EPA price, I`ve read through previous posts and can see there are various ways to resolve this on the ILR when the cost will exceed the funding band. My...

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly commented,

We have a SEN register and record any disclosure on ...

We have a SEN register and record any disclosure on it, even when there is no evidence. We don`t claim any additional funding but do ensure we are providing support that is required. We would inclu...

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly created a post,

Off the job hours

We planned off the job hours for a cohort and these were much higher than the minimum. It became apparent that we had over planned the volume of employer input and will be difficult to meet the hou...

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly commented,

Yes Steve, this is the way we have been told to do i...

Yes Steve, this is the way we have been told to do it and I know of other providers who also use this method!

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly created a post,

ESFA audit feedback

We had an audit in May and there was a question raised about how we had calculated off the job hours for learners who started prior to this funding year. All of our learners are term time only so I...

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly commented,

We also only work with schools and ensure we complet...

We also only work with schools and ensure we complete reviews earlier than 12 weeks, you have to work with the funding rules rather than the school holidays. If a review is due in August then you n...

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly commented,

Commmunity Post

Sarah Kelly created a post,

Eligible costs- apprenticeship software system

Just wondering what we can exactly off set against the following Costs of using an apprenticeship software system to return management information We use one file for RPL, Portfolio and ILR. Which ...